
The historical memorial stone of Pezzarara

A violent and cruel battle took place here between the Austrians and the Piedmonteses. There were a lot of wounded soldiers and several victims. Among them, with his name recorded on a memorial stone, there was an Austrian officer: the lieutenant colonel Friedrich Baron Sunstenau von Schutzenthal. On the monument we can read: “Il Tenente Colonnello Friedrich Barone Sunstenau da Schutzenthal della Corporazione Imperiale di Fanteria Reggimento Principe Emil da Hessen n° 54 morì qui da eroe per l’imperatore e la patria il 24 Luglio 1848. In riconoscente ricordo dagli ufficiali del Corpo del Reggimento. [The lieutenant colonel […] died here as an hero for the emperor and his own homeland July 24th 1848. His officers recalls his memory on this stone.]”.




  • Via Pezzarara
    37066 Sommacampagna VR
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